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Case Study

Bush Regeneration in the World Heritage Blue Mountains

The Bush Doctor (NSW), a bushland regeneration contractor and consultant to the Blue Mountains council partnered with All Stake Supply to deliver habitat protection and swamp rehabilitation.
In these two projects we used various techniques to promote swamp rehabilitation and reduce erosion during rain events in our World Heritage listed Blue Mountains.
In the 1st project our objective was to slow the storm water runoff velocity before entering the national park. The high-water velocity is created through the impermeable hard surfaces of urbanisation along the ridgelines in the blue mountains.

Installation Steps
1/ A scalloped channel lined with jute matting was
2/ At intervals along the channel Coir Logs secured with timber stakes are positioned to act as road bumps for the free-flowing water.
3/ The channel directs the storm water runoff into a bioretention bay at the base of the slope, the bioretention bay allows the runoff to soak into the ground reducing the erosion affect.

In our Second project our objective is to Rehydrate a traditional Blue Mountain Swamp area. We do this by retaining water runoff on the sandstone plateau.
Creating a natural retaining wall combined with low subsurface permeability (sandstone plateau) created a habitat ideal for the Blue Mountain Swamp.

Installation Steps
1/ A wall of coir logs wrapped in jute matting is dug into the ground at the low point of the sloping ground. As rain events occur, water runs down the valley and starts to back up once it hits the Coir Log structure. Water seep- age through the wall is at a very low rate, allowing the water to build up in the valley and rehydrate the subsoil thus building up the ground hydrology.
2/ In time retained moisture in the soil enables native swamp vegetation to grow. In this case, over a two-year period native grasses grew back very successfully.
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